Texas Legal Repository – Online Repository

Imagine having your entire case – pleadings, discovery, statements, depositions, records, exhibits, research, videos, and photographs – with you anywhere you go, but without dragging heavy document boxes or bulky case notebooks. LORR can make that happen with our online repository.

LORR’s edocument services will scan your documents, convert photographs and videotapes to digital formats, and create a digital library of your files, then store them in a secure, password-protected database that is available to you via the Internet 24/7.

No more copy and delivery costs for sending documents to experts or clients – digital versions of your materials can be e-mailed. No more copying documents for production – responsive exhibits can be produced on CD to opposing counsel. And you greatly reduce the amount of paper filling up your closets – good for your office and good for the environment.

By using LORR’s online repository, if you have an Internet connection, you can access your files. LORR provides an affordable, web-based document management system that stores your documents, photographs, records, deposition transcripts, notes, e-mails, and videos and provides secure access to that material. LORR will create your account, set up your username and password, and train you in the system’s use. We also have a local Texas legal repository for those within the immediate area.

LORR’s online repository is also an excellent archiving solution, eliminating those mountains of file boxes collecting dust in a closet or off-site storage and putting them online, where you can quickly search for specific documents. LORR can create archives of any materials you chose – closed cases, experts, important depositions, or legal research.

Paul A. Drummond, Attorney, AT&T Legal

"LORR helped Lisa and me in the case we just tried in Georgetown. We got them involved on pretty short notice and they really jumped in with both feet LORR had all of our exhibits and demonstratives on a laptop that we displayed on a screen for the jury. They were very fast about throwing up new exhibits, enlarging and highlighting parts of documents, playing video clips from depos, etc. Basically, LORR handled all of the AV/technical stuff so that we didn’t have to. I was greatly impressed with LORR."